Knowledge Zone
Seal coating is a wise investment, it will dramatically extend the life of your asphalt pavement. Seal coating is also cost-effective in the long run and it can significantly improve the appearance of your asphalt pavement. It is the application of a protective coating over your asphalt pavements (like parking lots and driveways). It provides a layer of protection from water, oil and gas leaks from vehicles, and ultraviolet damage. We also clear your weeds and will apply vegetation killer to kill the weeds and the soil beneath them. Seal coating extends the life of the pavement and beautifies your property.
Sealing Maintenance: Sealing the asphalt regularly is important to maintaining it and keeping it in good condition. It isn't necessary to re-seal the pavement annually. Every three years is often enough to protect the asphalt from extreme weather conditions. Over time, keep an eye out for cracks and uneven areas of the pavement. Again, this is important for those living in colder climates. Filling cracks will keep water from getting into the sub-grade and freezing. If that happens, it will cause the pavement to heave. Heaving will lead to larger cracks and the eventual replacement of the entire driveway or parking lot.
Potholes are typically created by the expansion and contraction of water that has entered the ground and under the pavement. The pooling water and erosion weaken the pavement, which causes it to collapse when vehicles pass over the weakened area, in turn creating a pothole. Potholes are a common occurrence, especially after the snow and rain seasons. As common as they are, potholes should not be ignored. Potholes in your parking lot are a big deal for a variety of reasons, including the safety of you, your employees and your customers, and their vehicles. You should consider pothole repair as soon as possible.